Thursday, August 1, 2013


Vicki and Joey go together...
Lewis and Hitty Rose go together...
I have been so conflicted about all this blogging business!  I have tried two blogs, honoring Abe's privacy and giving my readers an option to read doll stories only and skip my own.  It just hasn't worked for me.  It feels too fragmented and unauthentic.  Noah and Amy have been putting pictures of Abe on their Facebook pages and really never had a problem with me publishing pictures of my precious grandson on my blog.  And then, MANY of you dear readers enjoyed all my real life adventures and so I opened my family blog to many of you.
Well...a decision has been made by the chief cook and bottle washer...that would be me.
This blog will remain my one and only posting blog...just like the "old days"!
I will keep open so my readers can still have access to past stories.  I have included that link on My Blog List.
Thank you for being so patient with this crazy blogger who...I think... has finally figured it out. 
~Many hugs from Vicki of Hittyville~


  1. Yaay! I'm glad you got it worked out in your heart. This blogging stuff can be tricky sometimes, but I think it's worth it, and I missed reading ALL of your adventures. Yaay!!!

    1. Thank you, Miranda! I do have it worked out and feel like I am back home!

  2. Yay! I'm glad things have worked out. I have tried multiple blogs too, but it is hard to keep up with everything like that, or at least it was for me. I can't say I won't try it again someday when my life isn't so hectic & crazy! LOL!

    I hope it all works out and feels more comfortable for you. :o)

    1. Thank you, Carolyn...I will look forward to reading your blogs when you have some time. I was SO excited to find that little Raggedy Ann...Now our very own Raggedy has the apron she deserves!

  3. It is indeed hard work keeping more than one blog going and I admire you for sticking to just one - it is so much simpler! For both you and US :-)

    1. I don't know how you juggle it all! My life is woven together by the threads of all my activities...It was just too hard to separate them.

  4. I've just got the two blogs but they are for very different things so not so bad to keep. I can see why this might have been unsettling for you to juggle the two Vicki--glad you feel better for this decision. And hey, you tried, it was bothering you so you tried and now you know for sure what you want--always worth it.

    Serenata takes the prize for interesting blogs. How she juggles them all is beyond me but she does.

    1. Lorraine IS amazing! Your two blogs are different and that must make it easier to do, content wise! Thank you for your support...
