Monday, August 12, 2013


I read Susan Branch's excellent review of this book and remembered I had my own copy, yet unread.
So far...wonderful!


  1. The bio I read of Beatrix Potter was the one by Margaret lane "The Tale of Beatrix Potter" and I have also read the book (with lots of photos) called "At Home with Beatrix Potter" by Susan Denyer.

    I have checked my library system and one of the other branches has this Linda Lear book so after I finish my current round of books I shall put a hold on this and read it. I wanted to hear more about her scientific illustration and conservation efforts which this book covers in more detail.

    What a sad life these Victorian children had--being shut away in nurseries with the governess. You wonder how they developed any emotional health at all.

    1. Don't you just long to go to the Lake District and experience what Beatrix Potter did? Well, at least we have some wonderful books and imaginations!
      Having taught little ones for years, I am afraid many of today's children are "prisoners" of the technological world...

  2. Yes, I always fancied the Lake District--friends of ours had their honeymoon there and it looked fabulous.

    I agree about children being prisoners of technology. I worry about initiative and imagination for children that park themselves in front of Facebook for instance.
