Thursday, August 1, 2013

Finding Peace

 Every human being experiences conflict.  The conflict can be as irritating as a mosquito buzzing about or as major as an actual life change.
How we resolve conflict within ourselves varies with our own belief systems...and something I have been reminded everyone has their own perspective based on their unique experiences and moral compasses.
With the help of these amazing books...
I have come to the conclusion the only truth that matters is your own.  What others believe is of no consequence in mastering inner peace.
It really is as simple as that.
Detachment and faith in your own truth are a powerful combination in overcoming conflict.


  1. I have the Tao and a card deck of it too. A little book I have that makes a difference is "365 Tao: Daily Meditations" by Ming-Dao Deng.

    Should you be wanting a card deck ;-)....Tao Te Ching Cards: Lao Tzu's Classic Taoist Text in 81 Cards by Chao-Hsiu Chen and Lao Tzu; ISBN 1569244545. They are regrettably out of print but you might find some in the ether.

    We always need reminders--this is a good one.
