Tuesday, November 12, 2013

My Brene Brown Class

This was a hard assignment.  As you know, I try and remain as upbeat as I can and yet...I do have difficult times...EVERYONE does!
We were to come up with those things in life which numb us.  My interpretation of numb is that which I have no control over...It can paralyze me.

Next...How do I deal with this numbness?  I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, eat to excess, spend money as a release...But I DO OBSESS!
I will replay the discomfort over and over again and that behavior NEVER brings me comfort or changes anything.

What does bring me comfort during the times of numbness.

I really loved this part of the assignment because it was proactive!  Brene keeps a list of her Comfort Wisdom in her pantry to remind her food is NOT a way for her to find comfort.

Digging a bit deeply into my inner self has been far more of an important adventure than I ever realized.
I thought that kind of excavation was a bit self-serving, but I couldn't have been further from the truth.
My "wings" are stronger now and can take me places I never dreamed of flying to before...


  1. A very good post and journal to have to do. I am the same, obsess and play things over and over in my mind and it is so counter productive, much better to focus on those things such as the ones you have highlighted. Sounds like a good course. I enjoyed her book very much.
