Friday, October 18, 2013

Pool Cleaning Day

Tuppence uses his houses for hiding and sleeping.
He does his "business" along the side of the pool near his water bottle.

Tuppence is also a very fussy eater and squeaks quite loudly when he sees me.
This little fellow just tolerates being handled, but enjoys a good conversation.

Potter is the exact opposite of his neighbor, Tuppence.  He uses the stump on the left as a viewing post.  I have never seen him jump up on the stump, just off.  Potter does all his "business" in the middle blue house...and is very tidy about it.  The blue house on the right is lined with Potter's fur and serves as his rest area.

Potter loves being pet and talked to...and rarely squeaks, but does purr.
And my albino friend is a hearty eater, not at all fussy.

Two guinea pigs with two distinct personalities...I love them both!


  1. It is amazing how clean some of these piggies are. Princess always used to do her business in one spot until she started sharing...and then it was ALL OVER. We miss Princess, she used to 'sing' or chirp like a bird. Quite rare and unusual and it is still uncertain why some piggies do this.

    1. Oh, how I now long for a chirping/singing little piggie!
