Friday, October 11, 2013

A Fish Out Of Water...For Real

Last night, when I went into the studio to feed my critters, I found Beta on my worktable!  He looked very dry and there was NO water around him!  How could that have happened? There is just a bit of an opening in the back of the tank...How did he wind up way in front of it?  I have NEVER had a fish "escape" before.  I was so upset!
I gently touched him and HE MOVED!  So I quickly put him back in the water and my colorful fish friend very slowly started swimming around the tank and within an hour he was back to his old self.
This morning, I prayed Beta was still alive...and well, the picture tells the story!


  1. Wow that was lucky! You must have got to him just in time.

  2. I'm glad he's okay - that happened with one of mine, too. I don't know how they can wiggle out like that, but he did. (He's fine - I still have him. I found him just in time, too.) I ended up taking a little piece of the plastic needlepoint canvas and cutting it to fit over the little gap in the back of the cover, then taped it to the cover with duct tape. So far it's worked - no more escape attempts.
