Thursday, October 24, 2013

I Am in Art Heaven

I discovered Christy Tomlinson yesterday and am in LOVE with her artwork and personality.  I have watched several of her YouTube videos and have learned so much already!
Mind you, she is the mother of SIX children...

I really like Christy's "She Paintings" and am going to sign up for one of her classes this afternoon!

And then...
Junelle Jacobsen teaches classes for Christy's "company" and I fell in love with Junelle's style and spiritual approach to her artwork and life in general.

I did sign up for Junelle's latest class and am eagerly awaiting its arrival in my email-box.

I am over the top excited about discovering these multi-media artists!


  1. Oh my goodness, I don't know how you keep up with all these art classes! I really admire your dedication and am enjoying reading all about what you are doing.

    1. Hi Lorraine! I LOVE the art classes and there really are not enough hours in the day, so a blog might be missed here and there and thank goodness the Hittyville Friends live their own lives! Have a great weekend...
