Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Waltons Are Officially Hittyville Friends

 Hello there...John Boy Walton reporting in with a Walton Family Update.

 Grandpa and Daddy spent the day with Rupert Merry, who oversees all the woods and vacant land in Hittyville.  Rupert offered to show the Walton men which forest areas they might use for their lumber mill.
Grandpa was thrilled with the limitless supply of wood!

 Grandma visited her very old friend, Grandma Moses.  The famous painter is trying to persuade Grandma to learn how to paint on china.
I hope she takes some time to do it because she always puts our family first and never does anything for herself!

 Mama stopped by the Hittyville Friendship Community Church and asked Father Michael what night the choir practices.
Mama sure does have a beautiful voice!

 Jason's friend, Dick, has offered to let him use his scooter until he can get one of his own.
Jason is always finding something new to do!

 Mary Ellen is interviewing for a job with Nancy Drew to help the detective solve mysteries.  She is beside herself with hope.  It would be the perfect opportunity for my sister to use her snooping skills!

 Erin is learning all about keeping a journal from her friend, Poppy.  I have been trying to get my sisters and brothers to keep a journal for years.  I am glad Poppy has made an impression on Erin.

 Ben and Simon both love boats and are planning an overnight raft trip this summer.
I wonder if Mama and Daddy will let him do it.  I hope so!

 Jim Bob has found the ideal playmate!  Kurt is originally from Austria and loves climbing mountains, hills, rocks...anything and everything.
So does Jim Bob.

 Elizabeth and Bea are inseparable.  These two little girls love their dolls and making up all kinds of adventures for them to experience.
Elizabeth has quite the imagination!

 My news is HUGE!  Editor Bob Baker offered me a chance to write a column for The Hittyville Gazette about Walton's Mountain.  Since we are the only family living on the Mountain and he knows I aspire to be a journalist, Mr. Baker is giving me this AMAZING opportunity!

The Walton Family loves living in Hittyville and can't wait to see what tomorrow brings...

~See you soon, Hittyville Friends~


  1. So wonderful to read how they are all integrating so well in Hittyville...lots of adventures in store for them all for sure.

    1. Thank you, Lorraine! I can't wait to see what they will do next, myself! I so love Hitty Madge, by the way!

  2. Boy the Walton Family sure are busy. I can't wait to see what new adventures await them.

  3. Hi Vicki, The sets and settings for each of the scene's are so Amazing. Such detail really shows your artist eye. I can't wait for all the adventures ahead. Could you check the Hittyville Newspaper for any house's for sale. i'm looking to move and I can't think of a more peaceful place. Have a great day!

    1. Why Patrick, you say the nicest things...much like Grandpa Walton himself! Hittyville is a labor of love and when I am not actually working on a story or scene, I am thinking about it! I will keep an eye on The Hittyville Gazette to see if just the right house becomes available for you...You would be a perfect additon to the Hittyville Friends!
      Take good care of yourself...

  4. Absolutely amazing! I love everything, your attention to detail "Wows" me! :) Linda P.

  5. Thank you, Linda! I am glad you appreciate the detail. :-)
