Friday, August 1, 2014

A Fun Filled Friday

My wonderful sisters, Cassi and Kate, journeyed from Bay Village and Avon Lake to see Brooke's classroom...after a nice lunch at Lyn-Way.

 Cassi totally appreciated all of Brooke's work and asked lots of questions.

 Kate thought the room setup would definitely inspire the students to enjoy math!

 I am so fortunate to have sisters who support their niece..big time!

And then...
 We spent some time taking in the beautiful view and reminiscing about our German grandmother who was quite a character!
Thanks for everything, Kate and Cassi!

 Joe decided it was time to restock our little pond.
Yesterday, he noticed 2 small frogs who seem to have made a home in the now healthy water.

 We are praying they survive!

 And then there were 3!
I keep checking on our small fish friends and they appear to be having the time of their lives.

A bit later...
 Someone else seems to have found their way to our pond!

 Cuddles is my newest Friend and her name totally fits her personality.
Hitty Jane and Ginny can vouch for that!

And finally...
As I said "goodnight" to my outside world, I came upon a sweet bunny.

~It really was the best of days~

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