Friday, August 22, 2014

My Friday Folly

Today was going to be a great day.  I had an appointment to take Brooke's car in for her new wheel rims and I was also hoping to do a bit of craft shopping.
And then...

This is Brooke's car...and it is parked where I usually park my car.
Today this spot was empty, because Brooke drove my car to her school.

This empty spot is where Brooke's car is always parked and where it was parked this morning.

I backed out of my spot as I always do..
I did not look behind me!

The barn stopped Brooke's car and I felt a jolt and wondered what had just happened.

Oh my goodness!  My usual good judgement lapsed and because I did not look in my rearview mirror, I damaged Brooke's car AND the barn!
I was so upset...but felt much better when Brooke assured me my well-being was what was important and a car can be fixed.

I learned a HUGE lesson today.  I will ALWAYS look before I back out of ANY space.  I do it when I am out in the world, but as a matter of habit, I obviously don't always follow safety first at home.

Thank you to my family for not making me feel any worse than I already do and thank you to Michelle, our house cleaning friend, who kept her eye on me to make sure I was okay.

Lesson learned and a reminder to all of you...Look before you back matter where you are!


  1. I did something very similar once - opened the garage door, got in my car, reminded myself not to back into the dumpster at the edge of the driveway and - of course - backed right into the dumpster. No major damage except to my dignity. Brooke's right - nobody was hurt is what really matters.

    1. Thank you, Hitty Caroline! I have been amazed by all the "backing into" stories I have heard since yesterday!
      I am glad you escaped with everything but your dignity. I can totally relate!
