Wednesday, September 24, 2014

An Important Message From Lewis and Hitty Rose

 As you all know, Vicki of Hittyville is spending this year on a Creative Journey of Evolving.
Well, that is all fine and good, but the Hittyville Friends have missed sharing their Adventures with our Faithful Visitors.

 So...many of us held a meeting with Vicki of Hittyville and asked her if she might once again...tell our stories.
And guess what?  She agreed!

 Vicki of Hittyville is now jotting down her thoughts and daily doings in two different journals.  They are quite interesting with pictures and drawings and somewhat private.  She has also started writing a book about Emily Culpepper and that is keeping her imagination VERY busy!
And then...our Doll Mother has started another blog, chronicling her Human Family Adventures...starring Abe. it turns out, Vicki of Hittyville was missing our Adventures with her whole heart and was going to ask us if we wanted to share them once again with our Faithful Visitors.  She really and truly believes she has found just the right balance.
The Hittyville Friends sure hope so!

I, for one, have missed showing all of you all my YELLOW discoveries!
On behalf of Hitty Rose and the Hittyville Friends, WELCOME BACK to The Hittyville Adventures...

See you soon!


  1. Lovely to see you back Lewis and I am sure there will be a lot of people out there who will be thrilled that the Hittyville adventures will once again be shared. :-)

    1. Thank you, dear Lorraine! I think I have finally found my balance...And the Hittyville Friends really did miss sharing their adventures!

    2. Ah yes, that balance, always a tricky thing, but so glad you have found it and so good to have you back. You were certainly missed!

    3. I missed my Serenata comments!!!
