Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The 2014 Evolution Adventure Continues

 A quick crayon self-portrait for a class assignment...

Working away in my Playbook...

So, dear friends, my personal evolution of 2014 has brought me to a place I never expected to be...back on Facebook!
Several of my classes have groups on Facebook which are an integral part of the curriculums.  Hmm...I had sworn off the social networking site and needed to re-evalutate my thoughts.  What if I made Facebook my own?  Unfriend artists who were focused on advertising and keep the friends I did want to stay in contact with...As a result of this overhaul, I reconnected with 2 beloved childhood friends and people I knew during my teaching days!  I posted several pictures on Facebook and received more comments and likes in one day than I received during the last couple years on my blog.  The action is definitely on Facebook!
So...I have decided to focus on my creative projects, including Hittyville, and post updates and little stories on Facebook when the spirit moves me...I am working in journals I did before...and love it.  Blogging is just way too time consuming.
I would love for those so inclined to friend me on Facebook at Vicki Elliott Miller
I will definitely keep my blog up and am sure I will post now and then...I have learned never to say never!

~Happy Spring from Hittyville~

1 comment:

  1. Lovely to catch up with what you have been doing the last six weeks - I have had a quick read through but will have to sit down when I have more time to fully catch up. I saw that you were back on facebook, I think you left a comment? So it will be good to still be in touch with you that way.
