Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Audition Time

 Auditions for Hittyville's Frog Spring Chorus are being held on this very rainy day.

 Freddy Frog is croaking his heart out.

The judges agree Freddy croaks a tune even better than he catches flies.
Three frog "thumbs" up!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Abe's April Adventures

 Hello Friends!  April has been a very busy month for me.
I have been doing lots of reading...

 I sure do love my play area!

 Mommy and Daddy take me to Lincoln Park almost every day and look...

 I learned how to swing!

 My daddy is the best swing pusher in the world...

 There is just so much to see in my Tremont neighborhood...

 I also get to go for lots of walks at my school...in a BIG stroller.

 Can you believe my classmate would rather be napping than going for a ride?

 I tried giving him a pep talk about staying awake and enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.

 My pal must have missed his morning nap.  Oh well, my feet are doing a happy dance because I feel so happy about being outside.

 Mommy and I BOTH needed lots of naps after our big trip to Cincinnati for Mommy's work seminar.  I had the best time because Grandma Judy came along to spend time with me.

 I got to visit Lincoln Park on Easter Morning for another wonderful Swinging Session.


 Next year I am going to hunt for Easter Eggs because I will be walking!

 But for now, I am quite content to swing.

 The Elliott side of my family gathered at Cassi's house for Easter dinner.

 I had fun catching up with all my relatives...

 It sure is fun being the youngest member of the family.  I get lots of attention!  Well, my cousin, Elliott, is really the youngest but he isn't here today.

 Anna made me laugh...She is VERY funny!

 Cassi made a Peep Pie for all the children.  I hope she makes it next year so I can eat a piece all by myself!

Speaking of eating, here I am at school eating "solids".
I love being messy!

And then...
I turned 10 months on April 7th!
Life sure is whizzing by and I am loving every second of it...

See you next time.
~Love from Abe~

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The 2014 Evolution Adventure Continues

 A quick crayon self-portrait for a class assignment...

Working away in my Playbook...

So, dear friends, my personal evolution of 2014 has brought me to a place I never expected to be...back on Facebook!
Several of my classes have groups on Facebook which are an integral part of the curriculums.  Hmm...I had sworn off the social networking site and needed to re-evalutate my thoughts.  What if I made Facebook my own?  Unfriend artists who were focused on advertising and keep the friends I did want to stay in contact with...As a result of this overhaul, I reconnected with 2 beloved childhood friends and people I knew during my teaching days!  I posted several pictures on Facebook and received more comments and likes in one day than I received during the last couple years on my blog.  The action is definitely on Facebook!
So...I have decided to focus on my creative projects, including Hittyville, and post updates and little stories on Facebook when the spirit moves me...I am working in journals now...like I did before...and love it.  Blogging is just way too time consuming.
I would love for those so inclined to friend me on Facebook at Vicki Elliott Miller
I will definitely keep my blog up and am sure I will post now and then...I have learned never to say never!

~Happy Spring from Hittyville~

Saturday, April 5, 2014

MIBA or Missing In Blog Action

I am having the time of my life taking online classes and working on my assignments.  My blogging time...and it does take time...is being temporarily overtaken by...as I like to call it...ART FROM THE HEART!

Will be back soon to share some of the amazing gems I am gathering!

~Have the happiest of weekends~

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A Potpourri Kind of Day

 Today my thoughts have been happily all over the place...

 I would love to do a sketch along the lines of Janlynn's Spring...

 My online mystery newsletter arrived and I just had to order this book for my Kindle...

And this one as well!

And then...
 A friend recommended this British series...

And this Australian series...I have wanted to order this set for a bit and did today along with the House of Eliott.

 I spent some time thinking about my new favorite series and hope they renew it for a second season...

 I spent 3 hours going through the DVD Cassi gave me which was filled with some magnificent pictures of their South American cruise.  I was going to work on Hitty Daisy's blog story and then the pictures disappeared!
Cassi is going to send me another disc.
Thank you, Cassi...

Noah put together this little collage and sent it to me...
Too wonderful for words!

~Life is good~

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Spring Break with Daddy

Abe is the happiest and luckiest of little boys to have Amy and Noah as parents.  They continue to love and nurture their son with every fiber of their beings.  
A grandmother couldn't ask for more for her beloved grandson.

April Showers

A Couple of Projects

 This paper plate project was inspired by my sister, Kate.

 Goodbye to March...

Hello to April!

A Visit From California Kate

My sister, Kate, traveled to Ohio all the way from California to visit with family.
We were happy to have her visit the farm and stay overnight.
A picture with our Hittyville counterparts was in order...

At Pat and Cassi's house...
 It was fun to gather together...a rare event these days.
We missed our New York sister, Missy, but hope to have another reunion this summer.

 My sister, Cassi, recently returned from South America and shared some of her adventures with Noah.

 Brooke loves her nephew, Abe!

 Abe is standing up!

 I hope that is a love pinch...

 Pizza party!

 We also celebrated Pat's birthday...

 Kids love kids...

 Abe is becoming so mobile...Such a face.

Notice the sock on the table?  Abe is happiest when wearing just one sock...
Go figure.

Kate was thrilled to finally meet Abe...but missed her own grandson back in California.
What little doubt Kate had about her move to California was totally erased during her weekend visit.  While her past is deeply rooted in Ohio, Kate's present is definitely blooming way out West.

A huge thanks to Pat and Cassi for hosting the gathering.
~It was a special time with the extended family~